If Islam is a universal religion, then why aren’t non-Muslims allowed to enter the cities of Ma ...
Once a Muslim is assured of his or her qualifications and readiness to engage in da`wah, the ne ...
If Jesus is the same Prophet in both Christianity and Islam, why then don’t we, Muslims, believ ...
The Islamic view of Jesus is one between two extremes. How do Muslims see Jesus? How was he bor ...
But if I have limited knowledge of Islam, should I choose people at the same level? Or should I ...
Learn how to convey the call of Islam and take care of new Muslims with Hamza Tzortzis this Chr ...
Have you ever come into contact with someone who kept pushing something at you or who didn’t se ...
Do You Bid Others to Piety and Forget Yourself? What good will the religion and its teachings d ...
If you want to win the hearts of others, if you want them to be convinced, not to be pushed to ...
Why Do Muslims Torture Animals? Slowly and painfully they kill the animal. Doesn’t this make a ...
How many books do you read per week? Do you process what you read, and retain more of it? Deve ...
To what extent are you proud of your identity as Muslim? What do you do to protect and defend t ...
After their embracing Islam, how do we, Muslims, embrace the new Muslim into our religion and c ...
Looking back at the Prophet’s life and his mission as a messenger, how did he preach Islam? How ...
When getting involved in da`wah, expect problems, undesired negative outcome, and even being tr ...