
ABC`s of Da`wah

Dawah Techniques

Dawah Techniques

Dawah Techniques ...


Da`wah Power: The Lessons of Our Glorious Past

Da`wah Power: The Lessons of Our Glorious Past

Join Sheikh Zahir Mahmood on a journey through history with regard to our glorious past. Examples will include the powerful leaders of our history including, among others, `Umar ibn al-Khattab and Salah al-Din. ...

Comparative Religion

Jesus Freaks

Jesus Freaks

When I was a child, growing up in the sixties and seventies just a few blocks away from the notorious Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, I was surrounded by the hippie movement. It was a "turn on, tune in, drop out" age of sexual freedom, cultural revolution and social recklessness. ...


Why Did `Uthman Burn the Qur’an?

Why Did `Uthman Burn the Qur’an?

Watch Sheikh Yasir Qadhi explaining the historical compilation of the Qur'an by the 3rd Caliph `Uthman ibn `Affan. ...

Skills & Tools

Prezi Presentations

Prezi Presentations

Prezi Presentations is a communication tool that helps you organize, present, and share your ideas. ...

3 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

3 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

Did you know that by improving your effective listening skills you will become a more influential and powerful conversationalist? ...

How to Give Shahadah in 10 Minutes

How to Give Shahadah in 10 Minutes

This is a video of the famous workshop, "How to Give a Shahadah in 10 Minutes" by Sheikh Kamal El-Mekki. ...

How to Read a Book by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

How to Read a Book by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

"How to Read a Book", a Zaytuna Faculty Lecture by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. ...

Time Management by Randy Pausch

Time Management by Randy Pausch

"Time Management" lecture, given by Randy Pausch (hosted by Gabriel Robins at the University of Virginia in November 2007. ...