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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

Who Raided His Enemy’s Trade Caravans?

By Editorial Staff

Your Prophet is the one who intercepted and raided Quraysh’s caravans, forcefully taking their wealth, isn’t he? You simply cannot falsify history; whenever a Quraysh trade caravan passed he would attack it, take the innocent of those who did not accept Islam as captives and even kill them, didn’t he do that?

You simply cannot falsify history; whenever a Quraysh trade caravan passed he would attack it, take the innocent of those who did not accept Islam as captives and even kill them, didn’t he do that?

Isn’t this what the history books, alongside numerous sources, say? Or is it just one of the claims and myths spread, out of hatred and animosity, against Islam and Muslims?

Didn’t he intend to stop and raid these caravans? If not, why did he do this then? Isn’t it against morality, ethics and the very teachings of your religion, Muslims?

This is one of the claims thrown on our Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them).

How do we reply to such one-sided distorted misconception/historical fact? Watch how Sheikh Khaled Yasin does this …

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